Treating Mold
As a Mold specialist, Dr Hobi does specialty testing to discover residual effects of exposure to mold from sources of food that is improperly processed, stored, or from water damaged buildings leaving behind mycotoxins and endotoxins that can be disease causing. After the levels are determined, Dr.Hobi then assists with steps to support toxic burden reduction to assist in restoration of health. Often when working with a patient with undiscovered or mysterious symptoms the answers can be found in an unrealized level of toxic burden from the environment that can stay in the body and become a disease causing agent. A 3 step process is used to address the mold concerns.
A simple urine test is all that is needed for the collection of a specimen.
Removal and reduction of toxic effects in the patient and environment.
Gradual elimination of the toxic burden through optimizing the body’s ability to remove toxins through the immunities.